Sleeping Beauty   

4.     Phew!  I am off to sell my designs to a new kingdom.

6 .      Yes. Everyone likes “enchanted chic” now. But sometimes, I wonder if it was easier just sleeping in a tower.

8.      True!  I have missed a lot of trends over the last century.

24.    Charming, when was the last time one of us needed rescuing?

112 .  Honestly, I was better off sleeping in a tower than lugging these samples all over the forest.  The things I do for business…

114. Oh, Belle! Yes. But it seems I am more of a delivery service these days. How about you?   Are you still reading every book you can find?

116.   True. I thought it was just a breeze messing up my samples.

118.  Well, let’s hope it’s not for a curse.  Though if it is, at least we’ve got some survival skills between us.

125 .  And look, every fairy tale hero or heroine you can imagine. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.

146 .    Alright, we get it! But how do we fix it?

157.    Okay! If we’re going to do this then we'll need all of us. So, what do you say, Witch?

173.   Focus, everyone! Oh look no hands!

176.     We did it! Finally at the top!

221.    How about “The Charming Avenger”?

235.   Just because I’m designing doesn’t mean I’m done with adventures! Maybe I’ll launch a “Sleeping Beauty” collection... rest and style for everyone!